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Meanings of Report

 Reports are necessary in all companies and organizations. A effective organization should know what is the true meaning of report and try to avoid useless reports.  There are five most important meanings of a report: 1. Managers collect data to know the situation of business running.  2. Recognize data changes in reports. Changes are related with historical strategies, market trending, etc, which help manager to make new decisions.  3. Extraordinary data, which always hide a risk or an opportunity.  4. Problems and asking helps.  Problem is required to be report to manager, meanwhile one or two possible solution should come with problems.  So that manager can not how to help you and your team to resolve the problem but not compliant you as a problem maker.  Some ineffective reports come with evident characters, 1. No audience. Sometimes manager ask a report for curiousness. But after a few times the manager lost interesting on that and ignore data every time. When a report has no audi

Five Skills Positive Impact on My Life

I am committed to lifelong learning and seek to acquire diverse knowledge and skills to enhance my personal and professional life. Here are five skills that have had a positive impact on my life:  1. Zero Second Thinking - The world's simplest training for improving your mind .  I learn the skill of Zero Second Thinking from the book of Zero Second Thinking by Yuji Akaba . When I need to come up with an idea or solve a difficult problem, I stop what I'm doing and find a quite place to lay down some white paper.  This is how Zero Second Thinking works: On the first paper, write down 3~5 most important and overview ideas in your mind in one minute, no mater if they are mature or not.  At the beginning, the time doesn't need to be measured accurately, just keep writing until you have listed all the overview points. After serval training, you will know your own speed.  In my minute, I can usually list 7 items.  Take one of the ideas you just write down and expand on it, noting


MeziMedia ( Acquired by VCLK ) 现在状态: 被多次收购、合并、转卖,目前已经完全没有当年的业务痕迹了。 公司概要 : MeziMedia 创始人是 Harry Tsao ,是 Yahoo 搜索广告的核心成员之一。 2002 年创建 MeziMedia ,并逐渐形成两大块主营业务: Smarter 比价购物 CouponMountain 优惠券收录 这两个内容的核心其实都在于收集内容并在内容页面投放广告。 其用户市场分布在北美、中国、日本、欧洲。   我在 2007 年 5 月加入满星 /MeziMedia ,进入中国区作为开发工程师,主要负责 Smarter 中国的研发工作。同年 7 月,满星被 ValueClick (NASDAQ: VCLK)  收购,改名为惠击计算机 /ValueClick Brand 。   三年后我于 2010 年离职。   而在之后的 2014 年, VCLK 被 Ask Group (NASDAQ: IAC)  收购,原业务几近停止运营,上海团队解散,部分老员工顺利润美。 VCLK 并购时的金额是 $352M ,含 $100M 的现金和 $252M 的对赌协议。前一年 MeziMedia 整个公司约 200 号人,   年度财报收入大约是 $40M ,   是同期 Sina 的 1/4 。   虽然后来遇到 2008 的经济危机,大环境问题导致对赌业季并不顺利,但这个并购金额已经是很不可思议的一个数字了。 于是我开始学习和研究这个高效率的公司,在各个方面收获很多。 商业模式简单化 最大的收获在于对商业模式的理解。企业存在的目的是为了盈利,而盈利模式越简单越好,最好是能用一个简答的公式和几个参数来表示其利润。 MeziMedia 的商业场景是通过爬虫收集有价值的信息展示给客户,并在页面中展示广告。其流量来源主要为 SEM ,并附带一些 SEO 流量。   在 SEM 模型中的利润公式为: Profit = ( Revenue per click - Cost per click ) * Conversion rate * Page View 利润  =  (单个广告的点击收入  -  单次点击广告的成本)   点击转化率  *  流量 在有了这个公式之后,公司的运营方向就很明确了,专注于增加公式中的各个因子